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Cycling is the New Golf


Our sport has never been more popular and Ottawa is one of Canada's best citys for cycling.  From the paths to the parkways to Gatineau Park, we are truly blessed.  From winter indoor cycling to summer grand fondos, Ottawa Fit has you covered with the training and instruction you need to get road ready.

Get Road Ready

Getting a high intensity bike workout outside can be a challenge.  In winter, of course, it's next to impossible so most turn to indoor rides.  We have you covered here with 17 classes a week on our smooth riding Lemond Revmasters.  But our indoor rides continue in the summer too as our athletes compliment their outdoor cycling with one hour a week of high intensity indoors.  Trying to get that same intensity outdoors can be hard: rain, darkness, traffic, stop signs potholes.  There are a couple options for you:


Spin 60: One hour a week for 20 weeks from Jan. through May, after which you can join our week night high intensity interval rides to stay fast and strong for summer events.


The TTP: One hour ride plus one hour strength circuit, Jan through August. *This program also features unlimited drop-in's to any of 17 other weekly classes.

Grand Fondo Training
Our programs are perfect preparation if your are planning to ride a bike tour or grand fondo.  Here are some great local events that can help you keep the focus on staying fit.  What's your goal?


May 3: CN Cycle for CHEO - 15k to 70k


May 30: Lap the Gats - 21k +


May 31: Cycle for Sight - 50k to 100k


June 6/7: Rideau Lakes Tour - 100k to 220k


July 25: Grand Fondo Ottawa - 65k to 220k


Aug. 8/9: MS Bike Tour - 80k to 125k


Sept. 13: The Ride - 50k or 100k


Oct. 3: Ride for Refuge - 10k to 50k


Learn the Skills

Each spring we hold bike clinics to help you develop the skills you need to safely and efficiently handle your bike.  From steering to gear changes and braking, there are skills that can be developed that will increase your confidence and help keep you safe.  Those same skills and can also help you to cover the distance from A to B a lot faster too.

Super Group

Our outdoor group rides run from early May through September, helping our members to get outside in a comfortable, social atmosphere.  And you'd be surprised how many cafes and bakeries we find on the way!  There are variable pace groups so to make sure all levels of rider feel at home.

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