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Welcoming.  Fun.  Effective


Our team is standing by to help you discover a world in which you can't wait to go to the gym.  If it's fun, you'll come.  If you come, you'll reach a new height in fitness.  Here's to a better, longer, healthier life.



Just Spin It

Finish with the Leaders


No stop signs, no pot holes, no heat, no traffic, no rain, no darkness.

Just fun, hard work!


You're In Control

The fun, high energy atmosphere of an indoor cycling class is one of the most motivating environments in fitness.  But don't be intimidated because only you control the pedals and resistance.  With the help of our coaches you'll find just the right intensity in each class while also building the skills that lead to efficiency on the bike.  


We're Going Somewhere!

Done in cooperation with the Ottawa Triathlon Club, our classes are a structured progression that steadily builds your fitness and ability so that by spring, you are a cycling machine.  If you have fitness or athletic goals, from Race Weekend to Grand Fondos, this is the program for you.


A Different Environment

Another big difference with our classes is the focus on the social element.  Our coaches build each class into a team.  Our goal is that, if you miss a class, you miss 'the gang' more than you miss the awesome workout.  All that said, we get the work done....together.





14 weeks, January 8th through April 13th


Program: $179 

(Less than $13/class PLUS unlimited drop-ins)
HST: $23.27
Total: $202.27





*SAVE* Add a second PREHAB, Boot Camp, or TTP class and receive a $50 rebate!

Email us after the two registrations to claim rebate.

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